Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 5, 2017

Environmental Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Vietnam: Characteristics and Determinants of Success

The paper identifies and analyses characteristics, determinants of pollution abatement activities of manufacturing firm in Vietnam to meet environmental protection requirements. Logistic models are used for a number of newest sub-datasets of enterprise annual survey conducted by Vietnam General Statistic Office, covering approximate 5000 manufacturing firm in Vietnam in the year 2009. The study reveals that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or private-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) have made greater efforts to reduce emission as compared to the large ones (LEs) or state-owned, foreign investment enterprises (SOEs, FIEs) respectively. However the former sector has been less successful than the latter in satisfying environment standards. Environmental system management, firm size, environmental staffs, the foreign firms are the driving forces for firm becoming the government environmentally or ISO 14001 certified. In contracts, private local ownership, fluid and solid emission volume has significantly negative sign of coefficient. Firm's pollution abatement expenditure, in both absolute and relative terms, is not the important factors for its pollution treatment success.

Application of ISO 14001 in food processing enterprises

Environment is becoming hot issue to many countries and has attracted increasing attention of public organizations, businesses and citizens in the world including Vietnam. One of the most importance choices for enterprises to control and minimize negative impacts on the environment is application of environmental management system ISO 14001. In Vietnam, food processing enterprises have the highest number of ISO 14001 certificates compared with other industry. However, the number of enterprises certificated ISO 14001 is still small and mainly belongs to the enterprises with foreign direct investment (FDI). Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to investigate current issue of applying ISO 14001 and assessing the factors influencing the implementing of ISO 14001 in food processing enterprises. Some suggestions for fostering application of ISO 14001 in Vietnamese food processing enterprises have been also made.

The Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction – a Case of a Commercial Bank in Vietnam

Service quality and its relationship with customer satisfaction have received considerable academic and businesses attention in recent years. But the nature of the exact association between these two constructs is not well-explained in the literature. This study used SERVPERF model as proposed by Cronin & Taylor (1992) to assess perceived service quality at a Vietnamese commercial bank, and then study the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on banking service's quality. The results of a survey are used in this paper. Based on 123 valid responses from customers, the study indentified three components – RELI-ASS (reliability combined with assurance), RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY – which explain customers' perceived service quality at the bank. The relationship between these service quality components and customer satisfaction is also investigated through regression analysis. It is found that these three components of service quality have positive relationship with customer satisfaction in which RESPONSIVENESS has the most significant impact on customer satisfaction level. In addition, based on these findings, the study also gives some suggestions for banks to further improve service quality and customer satisfaction level.

The Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction – a Case of a Commercial Bank in Vietnam

Service quality and its relationship with customer satisfaction have received considerable academic and businesses attention in recent years. But the nature of the exact association between these two constructs is not well-explained in the literature. This study used SERVPERF model as proposed by Cronin & Taylor (1992) to assess perceived service quality at a Vietnamese commercial bank, and then study the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on banking service's quality. The results of a survey are used in this paper. Based on 123 valid responses from customers, the study indentified three components – RELI-ASS (reliability combined with assurance), RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY – which explain customers' perceived service quality at the bank. The relationship between these service quality components and customer satisfaction is also investigated through regression analysis. It is found that these three components of service quality have positive relationship with customer satisfaction in which RESPONSIVENESS has the most significant impact on customer satisfaction level. In addition, based on these findings, the study also gives some suggestions for banks to further improve service quality and customer satisfaction level.


The paper identifies the importance of integrating the supply chain in order to create value for shareholders in business Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A). Through analyzing two failure M&A cases which involve supply chains integration between Daimler-Benz with Chrysler (in automotive industry) and between Newell and Rubbermaid (in household product industry), the paper points out that one of the causes which led these deals to failure is the lack of thorough consideration on the role and strategies in integrating supply chain networks. This is the main implication of the paper for further researches to find the solutions for effective supply chain integration both in theory and reality.

Framework of marine fishery management: a case study of the Philippines and implications for Vietnam

Among open - access properties, marine fishery resource is of great concern of numerous government. It is because marine fishery resources contribute considerably to socio - economic development and provides a huge ecosystem goods and services to the world. However, the alarming over - exploitation, environmental degradation and conflicts between stakeholders in fishery sector all over the world has urgently required a more efficient approach to manage marine fishery resources. This paper argues that ecological economics is a suitable approach to address the issues of marine fishery resource use and management. In particularly, the paper will focus on biological and economic aspects of marine fishery resources that must take into consideration in designing fishery policies. The paper then examines marine fishery management of the Philippines based on Pressure - State - Impact - Responses framework. The paper recommends that the Philippine government should construct a more appropriate marine fishery legal framework and take into consideration economic incentive programs and market - based instruments such as individual transferable quota in managing marine fishery resource. Through the case study of Philippines, some implications will be drawn out for Vietnam for more efficient and sustainable marine fishery management.

Knowledge-based management and the sustainability of firms

Knowledge has been long considered a significant resource of business management. The organizations and firms can ensure their sustainable development only by effectively managing, harnessing and also creating their knowledge resources. Knowledge-based management theory developed by Nonaka explains and analyses the process of knowledge creation in a firm or an organization. The theory has been highly appreciated worldwide and proved to be an effective model for Asian countries. Many studies have shown the success application of this theory in Japanese firms and in firms of some other Asian countries. The success of those firms rooted from the ability to enable the spiral of knowledge creation, and by this flow, the firms can ensure its sustainable development. This paper's objective is to provide an insight into the link between knowledge-based management and the sustainable development of firms by analysing the success of some Japanese as well as Vietnamese companies. The paper found that, knowledge-based management is a good way for firms and organizations to enhance their positions in the competitive markets and to ensure their sustainable development in the future.

Economic and Environment Benefits of using Energy Saving Equipment for Fluorescent Lamps in Vietnamese schools.

Saving energy is of crucial concern nowadays in the context of global climate change in general and in sustainable manufacturing and environmental management in particular. There are many systems created to save energy for lighting systems such as LED, compact lighting, etc. However, the cost of using these products is still a problem for Vietnamese consumers. Therefore, having energy saving equipment for fluorescent lamps is essential. This study presents an analysis of the economic and environmental benefits based on energy saving equipment for 50-fluorescent lamps (TKD-N50 got the patent on April 16th, 2012 in Vietnam) which can save from 30% up to 50% of consumed power. We use the available statistical data from the website of the General Statistical Office of Vietnam (GSO of Vietnam) on this product's objectives, i.e. the number of schools and classes of kindergarten education and the number of schools and classes of general education throughout Vietnam in the case that they are willing to use TKD-N50. We assume that there are only 250.000 rooms out of the existing class rooms which are suitable for installing TKD-N50 and are willing to equip this energy saving equipment. In this case, our estimated results clearly demonstrate the benefits to the environment and the value to businesses balance sheets. For each year, we can save around 688 billion VND, from 330 million KWh to 550 million KWh of electric energy and reduce 141.750 tons to 236.500 tons carbon emitted into our environment.

Transportation Planning and Simulation of Petroleum Products to Area Struck by Tohoku Japan Earthquake

Tohoku Japan Earthquake, happened in March 11, 2011, causes great destruction to our supply system of crude oil and petroleum products, and produces great influence. As main road, refinery, oil-tank terminal and gas station are all destructed and no effective solutions are followed as soon as earthquake happened, supply system can not be guaranteed immediately. Some summary is made including our supply chain of petroleum products, supply and support system of petroleum products after earthquake, and transportation of petroleum products to refuges. Also analysis validation of transportation of gasoline and kerosene to evacuation sites are made.

Technical Efficiency of Vietnamese Manufacturing Firms and Its Determinants A Preliminary Analysis

This paper estimates stochastic production frontiers separately for foreign-invested, state-owned and private firms of the Vietnamese manufacturing industries during the period 2000-2009. The result shows that private firms' technical efficiency is, on average, the highest of the three groups of firms in most years. If we look at determinants of their technical efficiency, private firms are found to benefit from production activities of foreign-invested firms until 2008, while state-owned firms are not. This implies that those private manufacturing firms in Vietnam have been able to imitate/absorb new production technologies from foreign firms. In 2009, however, the private firms also start losing their market power to the foreign firms as the state-owned firms have experienced. Moreover, there is environmental spillover effect on technical efficiency of the domestic private firms in most of years, and of the foreign firms and state-owned firms in some certain years.

Simulation-Based Analysis of Container Operations on a Terminal

The progress of information technology has enabled tracking containers at ports. The resulting large, complex datasets must be effectively utilized to help mid- or high-level managers make decisions. This study analyzed real-time tracking data from a container terminal at the Port of Nagoya, Japan. A handling operation model for a ship is constructed and provides insight into the operational performance of the terminal.

Mô hình văn hóa doanh nghiệp tại các ngân hàng thương mại nhà nước trước và sau khi Việt Nam gia nhập WTO

Tác động của cộng đồng kinh tế ASEAN đến thương mại Việt Nam

Chính sách đầu tư ra nước ngoài của Trung Quốc và bài học kinh nghiệm cho Việt Nam

Đánh giá chi phí xã hội của Carbon Ứng dụng thử nghiệm cho dự án CDM thu hồi khí đồng hành tại mỏ dầu Rạng Đông - Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu

Nghiên cứu này đưa ra khái niệm và ý nghĩa của chi phí xã hội của Carbon SCC và một số phương pháp ước lượng SCC dựa trên các phương pháp phân tích chi phí - lợi ích truyền thống. Trên cơ ở đó, nghiên cứu ứng dụng tính SCC cho dự án cơ chế phát triển sạch CDM thu hồi khí đồng hành tại mỏ dầu Rạng Đông - Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu.

Mối quan hệ trong hoạt động nhượng quyền thương mại lĩnh vực ăn uống - giải khát tại Việt Nam

Kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh của các cửa hàng nhượng quyền thương mại chịu ảnh hưởng bởi rất nhiều yếu tố như sự chuyển giao, tiếp nhận, mối quan hệ và môi trường... Nghiên cứu này chỉ ra các nhân tố thành phần thuộc về mối quan hệ trong hoạt động nhượng quyền thương mại gồm có cam kết, niềm tin và sự hài lòng, đồng thời chỉ rõ cách thức mà các yếu tố này tác động đến kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh của các cửa hàng nhượng quyền.

Sử dụng mô hình cân đối liên ngành trong việc lựa chọn ngành kinh tế trọng điểm của Việt Nam

Việt Nam đi lên từ một nước nông nghiệp nghèo, do đó không thể đầu tư tràn lan cho tất cả các ngành, lĩnh vực; vấn đề đặt ra là cần xác định đúng các ngành, lĩnh vực trọng điểm, cần được ưu tiên phát triển. Trong giai đoạn vừa qua, Việt Nam xác định việc lựa chọn ngành trọng điểm là cần thiết, từ đó đã có những văn bản xác định ngành trọng điểm.

Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam trong bối cảnh suy giảm kinh tế giai đoạn 2009-2011

Nghiên cứu này phân tích thực trạng hoạt động kinh doanh của các doanh nghiệp trong tình hình suy giảm kinh tế. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy, số lượng doanh nghiệp vẫn tăng lên trong giai đoạn này, tuy nhiên với tốc độ thấp hơn so với những năm trước . Đa phần các doanh nghiệp mới đều là doanh nghiệp có quy mô siêu nhỏ, dưới 10 lao động. Trong năm 2011, số doanh nghiệp tăng lên của ngành tài chính, ngân hàng, bảo hiểm, bất động sản và xây dựng thấp hơn nhiều so với các ngành khác.

Mô hình cho vay đối với doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa Kinh nghiệm châu Phi và bài học cho Việt Nam

Bài viết tìm hiểu ba mô hình cho vay của Root Capital, ECo và GroFin đối với các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa - SMEs ở châu Phi, góp phần giải quyết thành công bài toán về vốn cho SMEs, đồng thời gắn cho vay với mục tiêu phát triển bền vững. Các mô hình này đã kết hợp với hoạt động cho vay thuần túy, khai thác triệt để các dịch vụ tư vấn hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp để nâng cao năng lực quản lý kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp, từ đó đảm bảo dự án vay vốn thành công và đảm bảo khả năng trả nợ.

Tham gia TPP Cơ hội và thách thức đối với xuất khẩu gạo của Việt Nam

PP được đánh giá là Hiệp định của thế kỷ XXI. Hiệp định này sẽ có ảnh hưởng nhất định đến xuất khẩu của Việt Nam, trong đó có xuất khẩu gạo. Bài viết phân tích tình hình sản xuất và xuất khẩu gạo của Việt Nam trong thời gian qua, làm rõ cơ hội và thách thức của xuất khẩu gạo khi tham gia TPP, đồng thời đề xuất một số biện pháp chính nhằm tận dụng cơ hội, vượt qua thách thức, góp phần tăng khối lượng và kim ngạch xuất khẩu gạo của Việt Nam trong thời gian tới.

Nhận diện năng lực động của Tập đoàn Viễn thông Quân đội

Tập đoàn Viễn thông Quân đội là tập đoàn lớn nhất Việt Nam. Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn đến sự thành công của Viettel trong đó năng lực lãnh đạo và quản lý đóng vai trò quyết định thể hiện ở việc nhận diện và phát huy năng lực động của doanh nghiệp. Bài viết đề cập đến lý thuyết còn khá mới mẻ tại Việt Nam đó là Năng lực động doanh nghiệp, đem đến một cách tiếp cận khác nhằm tạo dựng, phát huy và khai thác lợi thế tiềm ẩn của doanh nghiệp.

Trợ động từ avoir và être trong tiếng pháp xét dưới góc độ ngữ nghĩa và một số hệ quả sư phạm - The auxiliary verbs “Avoir” and “Etre” in semantic angle in French

In French, a composite verb is normally formed with one of the auxiliary verbs “AVOIR” and “ETRE”. Most of these verbs are with “AVOIR”, an...